Welcome, savvy business owner!
We're thrilled you recognize the value of having legally sound contracts prepared personally by a real business contract lawyer (rather than borrowing generic ones from friends or the Internet that could leave you exposed to financial and legal headaches).
In 15 minutes or less with our easy-to-use templates, you’ll be contractually covered and back to doing what you love most in your business!
SEO Client Agreement Template
SEO Client Agreement Template
This SEO Client Agreement template is an attorney-prepared agreement that you can use for when you provide search engine optimization services to clients.
Purchase of this template provides one license and an editable download that you receive immediately upon purchase. The detailed instructions make it easy to complete so you can use this contract in less than 15 minutes.
SEO Client Agreement Template Highlights:
- Prepared by an experienced business attorney
- Easy to fill out and complete in under 15 minutes
- Includes appropriate disclaimers so that you are not liable for specific results
- Includes options for a one-time setup fee plus recurring monthly payments
- Protects your intellectual property while giving the client a license to use it that is revoked if the client breaches the agreement
- Boilerplate—all the legal details that make for a valid, legally legit privacy policy
Who Should Use This Template:
- SEO Agencies
- Freelancers providing SEO services
- Companies hiring an SEO provider that otherwise does not have their own contract